Florida dodged the worst of the cold temperatures plaguing most of the continental USA from the recent cold front, but this holiday season is still shaping up to be one of the coldest in years. The good news? Before you even know it, the temperature will again be perfect for outdoor cookouts and gatherings. In fact, now is the best time to plan for next summer. One of the most important contributing factors to the comfort of your lanai or patio is the choice of outdoor furniture. Before settling on a design or choosing specific furniture pieces, consider these factors to ensure your family can enjoy your outdoor patio, deck, or kitchen to the highest degree.

outdoor living space design Sarasota

Space / Square Footage: The furniture you choose for your outdoor space should be the star of the show, but that doesn’t mean you should sacrifice the functionality of the area to achieve a certain aesthetic. Maximize the space you have available to you by using furniture that follows the countors of the build and leaves ample room for foot traffic and future additions. A long, thin sofa will fit much better on a wide patio than a cozy, circular, and intimate deck. Most importantly, only buy a piece of furniture that is within the measurements of your outdoor space! The realization that the element you planned the rest of your furniture design around doesn’t fit on your deck is not a fate we wish on anyone.

Weather and Climate: For most of the year, Florida has warm weather with rain showers. Planning your furniture choices around these facts is essential, but there is still more to consider. Whether or not your patio or deck is covered can drastically change the options available to you. Certain woods, especially when coated with a finishing, can resist weathering from rain and wind but, over time, succumb to damage. Metal furniture can rust, even more so if your house is situated near the coast and mists of coastal water constantly float through the air.

Outdoor furniture with cushions also needs to be cleaned more often if exposed to the elements. Before purchasing, make careful note of where you intend to place all the different furniture pieces. More delicate options should be purchased only if you intend to put them in covered areas farther from wind and rain.

Storage: Your storage needs can be met passively depending on the type of furniture you purchase. A long bench used as seating for an outdoor dining table can serve as a handy storage space for kitchen utensils and plates. Various chairs and sofas also come with storage spaces under the cushion, perfect for hiding away blankets for cool nights around a fire. If storage is not a limiting factor, go wild with the types of furniture you purchase!

Comfort: Making sure your outdoor space is functional and works for you is crucial, but comfort is the most important aspect for many homeowners. Purchasing high-quality furniture with comfortable, stain-resistant upholstery can ensure you and your family can enjoy years of fun together before replacements are needed. You will fondly remember the good memories of relaxing in your outdoor space for years to come, so focusing on comfort is never a bad idea. If the perfect piece of furniture, in your eyes, lacks storage space, decide if you prefer the functionality of a piece of furniture over the comfortability and design enhancement it provides. This might vary from homeowner to homeowner, so make a personal choice that will benefit you and your family more.

Looking for help designing your next outdoor patio, deck, or kitchen? The experts at West Coast Design Build Florida are proficient in designing and installing some of Sarasota’s most beautiful spaces. How can we help you in 2023?