It’s always good to prepare your outdoor space before the spring and summer months begin to deliver scorching temperatures to South Florida. Screening your porch allows you to appreciate the outdoors while still being protected from an excess of bugs, debris, and pollen. A screened porch is also great for families who want an enclosed area for kids or pets to feel safe and secure. If you want to learn if screening your porch is the right decision for your family, read on as we discuss the different types of screens, their benefits, and the ease with which Florida homeowners can upgrade to protect their outdoor living area.

Screening Requirements and Styles
The cost of screening your porch and the speed at which the renovation can be completed depends on your existing porch layout and the type of style you choose. A covered patio can be screened in cheaper than an uncovered porch by simply installing frames and screens in any openings on the side or top of the area. For an uncovered patio, more construction will be required to build out a robust frame capable of screening in the top of the porch as well. The size and shape can make this type of screening range in cost from five hundred dollars to a few thousand. The paneling style also plays an integral part in your patio’s cost and overall design. If you value wide, unobstructed views, you should consider installing large panels that stretch from one side of the enclosure to the other. Larger panels are at a higher risk of breaking and tearing, so they are not recommended for households with young kids, pets, or a lack of disposable income for repairs.

Smaller panels mean more metal frames that can obstruct your view, but it brings less chance of tears and fractures. In the case of a tear, smaller panels also allow you to save money by replacing a relatively smaller amount of screen at any one time. Assuming the screens do not need replacement, larger panels can be cheaper to install. However, smaller screens are usually the more economical option.

Screen Material
The material you choose for your screen is just as important as the style of the panels, both in terms of functionality and design. In general, screens that provide more visibility are more fragile, while screens that can withstand pets, weather, and tears offer lower levels of visibility.

High Visibility Options

Many people want the benefits of a screened-in patio, but they don’t wish to sacrifice their beautiful view. High-visibility fabric provides screened-in protection while being almost invisible to the human eye from a distance. The most common screen material, fiberglass, also has high visibility. However, these screens are prone to damage, as animals or pets can easily scratch holes.

Durable Options

The most common choice for a durable screen material is aluminum fabric. Aluminum fabric is rigid but has a higher maintenance requirement and does not provide a high level of visibility. This fabric is prone to rust and needs to be treated before installation and throughout its lifespan to ensure rust does not weaken the integrity and beauty of the screen. There are also more durable versions of fiberglass screening designed explicitly with animals in mind, which also has the drawback of reduced visibility.

Want to make a patio upgrade or design a new outdoor space from scratch? West Coast Design Build Florida is a local team of experts specializing in designing and installing beautiful outdoor areas for Sarasota residents. Call us today to discover how we can help you make your dream bathroom, gourmet kitchen, or outdoor patio a reality.