If you are in the market for a new stovetop range, you might be wondering what the differences are between an electric stove and a gas model. Should you change it up from your previous stove or stick with the same type you are familiar with using? There are pros and cons of each, and depending on your kitchen’s setup, one or the other may be a necessity. The main difference between the two range types is their power source. Electric stovetops can be installed in any home since they only need electricity to function. You can run power to an electric stove as long as you have a 240-volt outlet within reach. On the other hand, gas stoves need either natural gas, propane, or butane (natural gas is the most popular). For these to be viable options, your home needs a gas line running to it. If you live in a semi-rural area, gas lines might not be available, but more populated areas usually have gas lines running to each house.
kitchen design Sarasota

Cost to Buy and Operate
Overall, there is not much price difference between buying an electric stove or a gas stove. Models start at approximately $450 – and can run to $2,500 depending on the brand, model, appearance, and function. Operating costs are difficult to generalize since they vary greatly depending on your local area. However, on average natural gas is less expensive than electricity–anywhere from 10%-30% less–when it comes to powering your appliances.

Electric stoves are safer than gas stoves since you do not have open flames or gas lines. Stove fires from gas units are common as there is a lot of potential for flammable objects to come in contact with the flames. If a child messes with the knobs or you don’t turn them off properly once you’re done, there is the potential for a gas leak that makes the air dangerous to breathe and highly flammable. Be sure to have a carbon monoxide detector nearby to catch gas leaks before they become serious. Still, keep in mind that while you don’t have open flames with an electric stove, they tend to stay hot for a long time after turning them off, whereas a gas stove cools relatively quickly.

If You Love Cooking
Chefs prefer to use gas-powered stoves when cooking. They offer much more control over the cooking temperature than electric stoves do so that your meals come out perfect. The instant response also makes it less likely that your food will burn while sitting in the pan after you’ve turned off the heat. Gas stoves can also do more than an electric stove can, since you can use the flames to char or flambe your dishes. If you love to cook or are interested in practicing this skill, a gas stove is an excellent investment.

Cleaning Made Easier

Electric stovetops, particularly the smooth glass-top ones, are much easier to clean than a gas stove. There aren’t burners to navigate around or crevices in which you need to scrape; all you need is a good cleaner and a sponge to get any burnt pieces and oil splatters off your stovetop.
Ultimately, both options are excellent–it comes down to what will work best for you and your family to keep everyone safe and well-fed.

The details of kitchen design are based on function and aesthetics, as well as personal preference. If you are contemplating a kitchen renovation and need advice, call the experts at West Coast Design Build Florida. We imagine and build Sarasota’s most beautiful kitchens.