In a busy household, the kitchen is frequented dozens of times per day. Trying to cook and prepare food can be a nuisance if your counter space is dirty or the sink is packed to the brim with pots and pans. Luckily, you can thoroughly clean your kitchen quickly and easily, leaving behind a beautiful space for your family to enjoy. If you would love to minimize the stress of a dirty kitchen and have a sparkling clean living space, use these simple kitchen cleaning tips.

kitchen installation Sarasota

Tip #1 – Start With The Basics

When cleaning any area of your house, many people fall into the trap of hyper-focusing on certain parts of the room and missing the big picture. Especially when cleaning a kitchen, clearing off countertops and wiping down all areas goes a long way toward the overall cleanliness and look of the room. To start, move all unnecessary countertop items into storage and wipe down all exposed areas with a cleaning solution. Instead of getting into nooks and crannies, focus on thoroughly cleaning the areas of the countertops and appliances where you often find yourself preparing food and meals.

Tip #2 – Deep Clean The Sink

Absentmindedly tossing plates and pots into the sink will gradually lead to a large collection of dirty, bacteria-harboring items hogging up valuable space in your kitchen. Take the time to empty your dishwasher and refill it with dirty dishes. Not only is this important for practical use of your kitchen, but removing a large chunk of visual noise from your sink goes a long way towards creating a stress-free environment. Take a cleaning solution that is safe to use on your sink material and thoroughly scrub all exposed areas, including the faucet and rim. You can also use this opportunity to flush your garbage disposal with large amounts of water and create a pleasant smell by dropping small citrus peels into the disposal. Lemons, limes, oranges; the choice is yours.

Tip #3 – Don’t Forget The Floor

It is not uncommon for a small crumb or piece of food to get stuck to your foot or sock when strolling into the kitchen simply because people neglect to sweep their kitchens as much as they should. The overhangs of lower kitchen cabinets create tiny pockets where large amounts of debris and food can congregate. Use a broom or vacuum with a detachable fixture to clean the hard-to-reach areas, and remember to move the rug or mat if you have one in your kitchen. Kitchen mats, because of their possibility of getting wet, can often harbor bacteria or molds, which can lead to pungent smells in an otherwise clean kitchen. 

Tip #4 – Refrigerator Declutter 

Decluttering your fridge and removing old food and leftovers has a practical purpose and a health benefit. Old food can harbor mold, which can spread to nearby items. Gazing into your refrigerator and not being able to identify where your new groceries are is also extremely frustrating. Cleaning out unwanted items gives more space and makes checking the fridge a more enjoyable experience each and every time. 

Tip #5 – Finish Off The Details 

Following these tips, you should have a fairly clean and respectable kitchen. If you still want to continue, now is the time to focus on the corners and hard-to-reach areas of cabinets and everything else you skipped when dealing with the big-picture cleaning. The kitchen space is yours, so clean it to the level you feel will best improve your mood and wow your guests when they visit. 

If your kitchen has gotten too old or dated, no amount of kitchen cleaning will turn it into the kitchen of your dreams. West Coast Design Build Florida is Sarasota’s forefront expert on kitchen and bathroom renovation that will make you proud while keeping you within budget.