Is 2021 the year that you are finally going to take that big step – into home renovation? If you have spent most of this year staring at your kitchen and wishing for something different, now is the time to schedule a consultation to find out your option. But before you even do that, there are a few things to consider about your kitchen renovation project. Let’s take care of some of the preliminary questions so you can get on your way to a beautiful new dream kitchen.

kitchen design

First and foremost, you have to determine which renovations you want. In other words, what is the scope of your project? For some, new countertops and cabinets are enough to transform their kitchen. Others may imagine high end appliances and a new island. Perhaps you are looking to upgrade your normal kitchen into a gourmet cook’s kitchen, complete with deep sinks and double ovens. Or maybe, you are ready to gut the entire place and start over.

As you can see, there are many mays to renovate a kitchen. Taking the time to really think about those elements which are most important to you will help you when choosing contractors and setting a budget.

Once you understand the scope of your kitchen renovation project, you’ll need to think about the finishes, color palettes and overall style which will define your kitchen space. At this point, it is ok to shoot high – that is, if you really want a certain type of marble tile or granite counter, put it on your plans. After you hire a contractor and begin working on implementation and design, they can make suggestions as to ways to get the same look while staying within your budget.

Speaking of your budget, you’ll need to also understand how much you can afford to spend on the project. You’ll want to build in a little bit of a buffer just to be safe. For instance, if you have decided you have $30,000 you can set aside for your new kitchen, you may wish to only plan for a $25,000 project, so that you have a little extra for unforeseen issues.

While there are some home renovation projects that you can hire a handyman to accomplish, a kitchen renovation is not one of them. You’ll want to hire an professional contractor, with plenty of expertise in the type of project you are undertaking. Be sure that any contractor you hire is licensed to do business in the state of Florida, and has the insurance necessary to protect your home and investment.

Be sure that you browse any prospective contractors websites to see the type of work that they have performed. You can also read peer reviews on social media and Google. Many people choose to ask friends and neighbors for referrals, but be careful if you do so. Be sure to double check that the contractor they recommend is licensed and insured, and is capable of performing the work you require for your project.

Your best choice will likely be to find an experienced and established company who specializes in the type of kitchen renovation project you are looking for. Choose one who has been doing business locally for years, and can offer a solid portfolio of work to show you. Whomever you choose, read over their contract carefully, and settle any gray areas before the first day of renovation.

West Coast Design Build Florida is a team of Sarasota area licensed and industry certified professionals who are passionate about an exceptional customer experience. No matter the scope of your project, we typically can guarantee you a kitchen within 30 days or less – so call today, and let’s get started!