If you are having a new home constructed – or if your home has been built in the last two decades – chances are that the house boasts an open floor plan with great rooms and lots of natural light. But if you bought an older home, especially one that has been added onto over the years, you may struggle with some of the outdated room layouts. In fact, many homes in Sarasota’s most popular neighborhoods have strange floorplans indeed, with odd nooks and empty, unused spaces.

home design

The unusual room, be it a living space, kitchen, or tucked-away bathroom, can represent a design challenge. Whether finding furniture or determining how to fill that empty corner, here are some design tips for that awkward space.

Make an Honest Assessment: Take a good look at the room and notice all the quirky spaces you are working with. Are there any design elements that you can eliminate? Is there any part of the room you can focus on and draw attention to? Functionality is the key to ideas for quirky room layouts. Begin with the main furnishings, allowing for walking space, the best use of light, and spotlighting any standout features. Once your main furniture is in place, you can creatively add accent pieces and color.

Determine its Purpose: Think about the room’s primary purpose, then brainstorm how the strange areas can enhance that purpose. For instance, create a unique coffee bar if your kitchen has an awkward nook that is too small for eating. If a wall is slanted at a weird angle, consider adding hooks and making it a display for your pots and pans. Think about how the quirky features can add personality to the space.

Go to a Zone Defense: If your strangely shaped space will be multipurpose, consider all the needs it has to fulfill, then begin to map out “zones” for each purpose. Identifying clear functional zones will help the design process. The key to establishing the different zones is determining how the space will be physically or visually sectioned off. Furniture is most often utilized for this purpose, even if it will take some searching to find the perfect console table or seating elements. Another great way to subtly establish visual separation is to use rugs. Rugs can be found in all types of geometric shapes and sizes and effectively section off an awkward space.

Build Your Foundation: Begin by identifying three main foundation pieces for the room – a bar, a sofa, an armchair, or a coffee table – and instruct your layout from that starting point. Once you have located key pieces, you have a solid foundation – and the rest gets built from there. Strange spaces can be normalized with symmetrical arrangements that call attention to the square seating area rather than the oddly shaped room.

Use Illumination Wisely: Task lighting has always been popular in kitchens and can be strategically used within odd room layouts to distinguish between functional spaces. A bright light in the corner is perfect for a reading nook, while softer lighting for the rest of the room is perfect for relaxing and watching movies. Don’t be afraid to use corners and nooks to add additional lighting to brighten the area and bring it out from the shadows.

Creativity in Corners: Nooks can be filled with a small table exhibiting a unique piece of art or a tall floor urn with a striking arrangement. Awkward corners may also be used as an art gallery, a photo exhibition corner, or to hang functional objects. You can also use those nooks for much-needed storage, whether by finding unique cabinets, bench seating, or desks – or by building a physical storage unit into the space.

Experiment with Focal Points: Embrace the uniqueness of your space, and don’t try to hide those awkward areas. Paint the walls a bold accent color, hang vertical art or plants or add cool antique sconces. Why not show off how special your home is rather than try to make it more normal?

Design is personal, but sometimes you may need some professional help. At West Coast Design Build Florida, we specialize in turning your kitchen or bathroom space into a beautiful space – no matter the layout or condition. Are you looking for ways to create your dream bathroom, kitchen, or outdoor living area? Call our team for a consultation today.