When you factor in sleep time, chill time, and morning and nighttime preparations, the average American spends more than 10 hours every day in their bedroom. For such an important room, the location of the master bedroom is important to consider when buying or building a home. Many layouts are available, regardless of whether your home has one or two stories. The location of your master bedroom can influence your comfort, privacy, and options as you age in your home.

Master Bedroom Locations and How They Affect You

The location of your master bedroom might not have been something that ever seriously crossed your mind. Sure, connecting your master bedroom directly to the kitchen is an odd design choice, but besides a glaring oddity such as that, how do other locations affect my daily life?

First Floor vs. Second Floor

Having a first-floor master bedroom is the more typical layout here in Florida. A bedroom on the first floor brings you closer to the action during the day but keeps you separate from other members of the family at night and early in the morning.

For households with kids, the first-floor master bedroom allows the downstairs part of the house to become the ‘adult area’ after dark when kids go up to their rooms. You have more privacy and can freely access areas like the living room and kitchen without going up and down stairs and rousing others from their sleep. 

A master on the second floor, however, has more privacy during the day, as it is farther and more disconnected from high-traffic areas of the home like living rooms and kitchens. This allows the parents to sleep in for longer or have a place to retreat to for relaxation or days when the loud noises of kids become too much to handle.

Stairs, however, pose a more direct problem for older Americans who have to consider the feasibility of climbing stairs each and every day to make it to their bedroom. Remember that it is more challenging to age-in-place with a second-floor bedroom if that is your plan. You will have to figure out how to safely navigate the stairs as you get older or develop conditions that hamper mobility.

Front vs. Rear Master Bedrooms

The choice of placing your master bedroom in the front or rear of the home also has a massive impact on privacy, noise levels, and ease of access. Situating the master bedroom as far toward the back of your home as possible helps ensure the most peace and quiet. Guests, slamming doors, or child antics are less likely to annoy you when you retreat to your bedroom for rest. This upside can also be a downside, however, if you are raising kids and worry about not being to react to them calling out for you. 

A front master bedroom can help you feel more connected to your family during the day and still let you have privacy when kids go to sleep in their individual rooms. The obvious downsides of front-positioned rooms are that you will take the full brunt of street noises from loud trucks or sanitation workers at all times of the day.

Designing a renovating your home is a matter of personal preference. From the perfect kitchen to your dream bathroom, West Coast Design Build Florida has the expertise, experience, and skill to make the right decision when planning your floor plan. Call today for more information on home renovation and remodeling.